Let the children come

Growing up our thoughts were boundless, bold, big and incredible. We believed all things were possible. But then we “grew up” and we began to see the walls, the lines and the restrictions that came with experiences, life lessons and mind conditioning.
We ignore but deep down the child still lives and yearn to be alive again.

Thousands of years ago men never thought it possible to leave the earth but now we’ve been to the moon and visited other planets.
Have you seen a child lately?
Have you looked into her eyes?
The innocent eyes and heart?
The beautiful smile that lacks worry or the raised hand filled with faith saying
“I trust you”.
Ever seen a child harbour hate and be unforgiving?
The natural way of a child is to be open, free, believing, loving.

A child is never afraid to learn something new. Bring it to them and their curiosity pushes them forward to try it out without inhibiting fear.
I have seen videos of babies swimming and I am like wow how do they even do that so effortlessly with their tiny legs while I am here eyeing 6ft like it’s the depth of an ocean 😭😭
(Seriously need to evoke my inner child on this)
When you let the child in you out your
I CAN’T BECOMES I CAN! you reach heights you never thought you would

A child’s heart only knows the simple things of life and never worries about what is not seen.
A child believes way before she receives
The purity of a child’s heart trusts the hand that lifts him.
Although a child will grow up, the heart never grows old.
No matter your age, reach deep down and BE that CHILD AGAIN
One with no worries
One who bears no hurt.
One who is forgiving and giving.
One who loves regardless of who hurts.
One who trusts the one that says come to me and I will give you rest.

Let the child in you come out and play.
Bestow yourself another chance.
Rid yourself of fear
Be curious, be teachable, be happy, be reachable.
Remember, The good book says such a heart is worthy of paradise.
Give the child in you a chance

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